Speaker Meeting

11:30 AM: start the meeting.

Good Morning. My name is and I’m an [addict/alcoholic/other] I’ve asked to read the AA preamble.

Welcome to the Saturday morning online meeting of the Brooklyn Sober Agnostics. This is a 75-minute meeting ending at 12:45. The format of this meeting is a round-robin discussion. On the second and 4th Saturday of each month, we have a speaker, followed by a discussion. On the third Saturday of each month, we have a business meeting after the meeting.

The Brooklyn Sober Agnostics group of AA maintains a tradition of free expression. We conduct meetings where alcoholics may feel free to express any doubts or disbelief they may have, and to share their own personal form of spiritual experience, their search for it, or indeed their disinterest in such a search. Our only wish is to assure suffering alcoholics that they can achieve sobriety with the support of AA without having to accept anyone else’s beliefs or having to deny their own.

At this online meeting, participants are automatically muted upon entry. If you are calling from a place where there is background noise, please remain muted, but do feel free to temporarily unmute yourself to cheer anniversaries, day counts, and/or any other recovery milestones. Please also be sure to unmute yourself when it is your turn to share.

And now please welcome today’s speaker:

After speaker: 7th tradition.

You may contribute via Zelle or PayPal at brooklynagnostics@gmail.com. Please select “Friends and Family” when prompted in PayPal.


We will now practice the 7th tradition, which states that each AA group is self-supporting through its own contributions. We are now raising funds to support going back in person on Saturdays, so if you would like to contribute, you may via Zelle or PayPal at brooklynagnostics@gmail.com. Please select “Friends and Family” when prompted in PayPal. Additionally, if you would like to contribute money to AA, please donate to (New York Intergroup/GSO/other) by following the link I have posted in the chat.

  • Is there anyone who:
    • ...is new to this meeting or to AA, who would like to say hi? Please use the “raise hand” feature in Zoom and I will call on you.
    • ...is counting days one through 90, who would like to share their day count?
    • ...is celebrating an anniversary of 90 days, six months, or a year or more
  • Are there any AA-related announcements?
    • Business meeting after 3rd Saturday

If you’d like to be added to the Brooklyn Sober Agnostics contact list, please email Faren.

Some people find working with a sponsor helpful in maintaining sobriety. If you are looking for an interim sponsor or are willing to serve as an interim sponsor, please text Libby.

Faren (Brooklyn Sober Agnostics contact list request): farenmcd@yahoo.com

Libby (interim sponsor request): 917-846-9172

We have a few meetings per week, all times Eastern:

Saturday 10:30 am In Person
Saint Mary’s Episcopal Church
230 Classon Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11205

Saturday 11:30 am General Discussion

Sunday 10:30 am General Discussion

Tuesday 8:00 pm Topic Meeting

Wednesday 7:00 pm Meditation Meeting

Thursday 8:00 pm Speaker Meeting

Our group conscience asks that you do not share if you have used alcohol or any self-prescribed mood changer today, but feel free to speak to me or another group member after the meeting. After the meeting ends, we will leave the Zoom room open for another 15 minutes for fellowship. Please take that opportunity to connect with someone.

Feedback and crosstalk are discouraged here. Crosstalk is giving advice to others who have already shared, speaking directly to another person rather than to the group, and questioning or interrupting the person speaking at the time. We differentiate this from cross-referencing, which refers to something from a previous share.

We will now begin a round-robin discussion. The order of the round-robin is listed in the chat. During the round-robin, please feel free to stray from any topic that comes up if there is something you need, or want, to talk about, pertinent to your recovery. If you are called on but do not wish to speak, you are welcome to simply introduce yourself and then pass your turn. Please try to limit shares to 3-4 minutes, as our hope is to allow everyone a chance to share.

And now, a word from our timekeeper, .

Before we begin with the list, would anyone like to volunteer to start us off?

12:30 PM: show of hands (if # of remaining shares is more than 5 or so)

There are 15 minutes left in the meeting, so we will now go to a show of hands. Anyone who has not yet shared may raise their hand now by clicking Reactions and then the Raise Hand button.

12:45 PM: close the official meeting

Unfortunately, it appears that we are out of time. We will leave the Zoom room open for another 15 minutes for fellowship, since getting to know others outside the context of a meeting is helpful in maintaining sobriety.

Now I would like to quote from the 30th Anniversary International Convention of Alcoholics Anonymous:

“I am responsible. When anyone, anywhere, reaches out for help, I want the hand of AA always to be there. And for that, I am responsible.”

Our slogan is “Live and Let Live.” In closing, all who wish may unmute and repeat our slogan: LIVE AND LET LIVE.